在这项研究中,我们旨在提供出于语言动机的解决方案,以解决缺乏无效词素的代表性,高生产力的衍生过程和土耳其语中的融合词素的问题,而在Boun Treebank中没有与普遍的依赖关系框架不同。为了解决这些问题,通过将某些引理并在UD框架中使用MISC(其他)选项卡来表示新的注释约定来表示派生。在基于LSTM的依赖性解析器上测试了重新注释的树库的代表性功能,并引入了船工具的更新版本。
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由于它们在自然语言处理工具的开发中所扮演的关键作用,因此优质树仓的价值正在稳步增长。这种树仓的创造是劳动密集型且耗时的。尤其是当考虑树库的大小时,支持注释过程的工具至关重要。但是,已经提出了各种注释工具,但是它们通常不适合土耳其语等凝集性语言。 V1是用于注释依赖关系的船,随后被用于创建手动注释的Boun Treebank(UD_TURKISH-BOUN)。在这项工作中,我们根据使用船V1获得的经验报告了依赖性注释工具船V2的设计和实施,这揭示了一些改进的机会。 V2是一种多用户和基于Web的依赖性注释工具,设计为注释用户体验以产生有效的注释。该工具的主要目标是:(1)支持以提高速度创建有效且一致的注释,(2)显着改善注释者的用户体验,(3)支持注释者之间的协作,(4)提供开放 - 通过灵活的应用程序编程接口(API)来源和易于部署的基于Web的注释工具,以使科学界受益。本文讨论了船V2的启发,设计和实施以及示例。
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Researchers are doing intensive work on satellite images due to the information it contains with the development of computer vision algorithms and the ease of accessibility to satellite images. Building segmentation of satellite images can be used for many potential applications such as city, agricultural, and communication network planning. However, since no dataset exists for every region, the model trained in a region must gain generality. In this study, we trained several models in China and post-processing work was done on the best model selected among them. These models are evaluated in the Chicago region of the INRIA dataset. As can be seen from the results, although state-of-art results in this area have not been achieved, the results are promising. We aim to present our initial experimental results of a building segmentation from satellite images in this study.
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Using Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) systems with extensive sensing arrangements on every civil structure can be costly and impractical. Various concepts have been introduced to alleviate such difficulties, such as Population-based SHM (PBSHM). Nevertheless, the studies presented in the literature do not adequately address the challenge of accessing the information on different structural states (conditions) of dissimilar civil structures. The study herein introduces a novel framework named Structural State Translation (SST), which aims to estimate the response data of different civil structures based on the information obtained from a dissimilar structure. SST can be defined as Translating a state of one civil structure to another state after discovering and learning the domain-invariant representation in the source domains of a dissimilar civil structure. SST employs a Domain-Generalized Cycle-Generative (DGCG) model to learn the domain-invariant representation in the acceleration datasets obtained from a numeric bridge structure that is in two different structural conditions. In other words, the model is tested on three dissimilar numeric bridge models to translate their structural conditions. The evaluation results of SST via Mean Magnitude-Squared Coherence (MMSC) and modal identifiers showed that the translated bridge states (synthetic states) are significantly similar to the real ones. As such, the minimum and maximum average MMSC values of real and translated bridge states are 91.2% and 97.1%, the minimum and the maximum difference in natural frequencies are 5.71% and 0%, and the minimum and maximum Modal Assurance Criterion (MAC) values are 0.998 and 0.870. This study is critical for data scarcity and PBSHM, as it demonstrates that it is possible to obtain data from structures while the structure is actually in a different condition or state.
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This paper presents the preliminary findings of a semi-supervised segmentation method for extracting roads from sattelite images. Artificial Neural Networks and image segmentation methods are among the most successful methods for extracting road data from satellite images. However, these models require large amounts of training data from different regions to achieve high accuracy rates. In cases where this data needs to be of more quantity or quality, it is a standard method to train deep neural networks by transferring knowledge from annotated data obtained from different sources. This study proposes a method that performs path segmentation with semi-supervised learning methods. A semi-supervised field adaptation method based on pseudo-labeling and Minimum Class Confusion method has been proposed, and it has been observed to increase performance in targeted datasets.
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The issue of left before treatment complete (LBTC) patients is common in emergency departments (EDs). This issue represents a medico-legal risk and may cause a revenue loss. Thus, understanding the factors that cause patients to leave before treatment is complete is vital to mitigate and potentially eliminate these adverse effects. This paper proposes a framework for studying the factors that affect LBTC outcomes in EDs. The framework integrates machine learning, metaheuristic optimization, and model interpretation techniques. Metaheuristic optimization is used for hyperparameter optimization--one of the main challenges of machine learning model development. Three metaheuristic optimization algorithms are employed for optimizing the parameters of extreme gradient boosting (XGB), which are simulated annealing (SA), adaptive simulated annealing (ASA), and adaptive tabu simulated annealing (ATSA). The optimized XGB models are used to predict the LBTC outcomes for the patients under treatment in ED. The designed algorithms are trained and tested using four data groups resulting from the feature selection phase. The model with the best predictive performance is interpreted using SHaply Additive exPlanations (SHAP) method. The findings show that ATSA-XGB outperformed other mode configurations with an accuracy, area under the curve (AUC), sensitivity, specificity, and F1-score of 86.61%, 87.50%, 85.71%, 87.51%, and 86.60%, respectively. The degree and the direction of effects of each feature were determined and explained using the SHAP method.
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In this paper, we introduce a novel optimization algorithm for machine learning model training called Normalized Stochastic Gradient Descent (NSGD) inspired by Normalized Least Mean Squares (NLMS) from adaptive filtering. When we train a high-complexity model on a large dataset, the learning rate is significantly important as a poor choice of optimizer parameters can lead to divergence. The algorithm updates the new set of network weights using the stochastic gradient but with $\ell_1$ and $\ell_2$-based normalizations on the learning rate parameter similar to the NLMS algorithm. Our main difference from the existing normalization methods is that we do not include the error term in the normalization process. We normalize the update term using the input vector to the neuron. Our experiments present that the model can be trained to a better accuracy level on different initial settings using our optimization algorithm. In this paper, we demonstrate the efficiency of our training algorithm using ResNet-20 and a toy neural network on different benchmark datasets with different initializations. The NSGD improves the accuracy of the ResNet-20 from 91.96\% to 92.20\% on the CIFAR-10 dataset.
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Extracting building heights from satellite images is an active research area used in many fields such as telecommunications, city planning, etc. Many studies utilize DSM (Digital Surface Models) generated with lidars or stereo images for this purpose. Predicting the height of the buildings using only RGB images is challenging due to the insufficient amount of data, low data quality, variations of building types, different angles of light and shadow, etc. In this study, we present an instance segmentation-based building height extraction method to predict building masks with their respective heights from a single RGB satellite image. We used satellite images with building height annotations of certain cities along with an open-source satellite dataset with the transfer learning approach. We reached, the bounding box mAP 59, the mask mAP 52.6, and the average accuracy value of 70% for buildings belonging to each height class in our test set.
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Transfer Learning methods are widely used in satellite image segmentation problems and improve performance upon classical supervised learning methods. In this study, we present a semantic segmentation method that allows us to make land cover maps by using transfer learning methods. We compare models trained in low-resolution images with insufficient data for the targeted region or zoom level. In order to boost performance on target data we experiment with models trained with unsupervised, semi-supervised and supervised transfer learning approaches, including satellite images from public datasets and other unlabeled sources. According to experimental results, transfer learning improves segmentation performance 3.4% MIoU (Mean Intersection over Union) in rural regions and 12.9% MIoU in urban regions. We observed that transfer learning is more effective when two datasets share a comparable zoom level and are labeled with identical rules; otherwise, semi-supervised learning is more effective by using the data as unlabeled. In addition, experiments showed that HRNet outperformed building segmentation approaches in multi-class segmentation.
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创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)是一种长期衰弱的精神状况,是针对灾难性生活事件(例如军事战斗,性侵犯和自然灾害)而发展的。 PTSD的特征是过去的创伤事件,侵入性思想,噩梦,过度维护和睡眠障碍的闪回,所有这些都会影响一个人的生活,并导致相当大的社会,职业和人际关系障碍。 PTSD的诊断是由医学专业人员使用精神障碍诊断和统计手册(DSM)中定义的PTSD症状的自我评估问卷进行的。在本文中,这是我们第一次收集,注释并为公共发行准备了一个新的视频数据库,用于自动PTSD诊断,在野生数据集中称为PTSD。该数据库在采集条件下表现出“自然”和巨大的差异,面部表达,照明,聚焦,分辨率,年龄,性别,种族,遮挡和背景。除了描述数据集集合的详细信息外,我们还提供了评估野生数据集中PTSD的基于计算机视觉和机器学习方法的基准。此外,我们建议并评估基于深度学习的PTSD检测方法。提出的方法显示出非常有希望的结果。有兴趣的研究人员可以从:http://www.lissi.fr/ptsd-dataset/下载PTSD-in-wild数据集的副本
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